Course Segment One:  Value

What would it feel like if your life was completely your own?

What comes up for you when you say: “I am the conscious creator of my life!” A sense of panic or of power? Fight or flight? Where does your sense of value, worthiness and personal strength come from? For most of us it has been externally based: job, family, money, education, looks. And yes, all this adds to a sense of self but there is something much more core and therefore more stable and freeing.

Your deepest value is internal and comes from just being alive and the miracle of that. Worthiness is innate. When we are connected to and know we are part of all that is, we know our value and that we are deserving of love and happiness. There is nothing for us to do but love, create and enjoy. We are made of infinite sources of power that are also our own to use.


Our first inquiry, “Am I valuable just as I am?” is essential to this Course.

Where do we find our value?  Are we worthy, deserving, enough in just our essential nature? This is an initial question because without it we cannot move into a creative life full of possibility. We must first believe in our capacity as creators and that we can have it all.

We were trained from an early age to respond in certain ways to people and circumstances that gave us an external validation that we are okay. And when those reactions are either shifting or no longer fulfilling? Are we not okay, safe and deserving? This exploration is really the doorway to discovering and living from our personal unique essence and ability to choose.

Then we can explore what we really want if we first believe we can have it!

This quote is from one of my favorite inspirational sources, Abraham-Hicks:

We would like you to release the word “achieve” or “earn” from your vocabulary and from your understanding altogether; and we would like you to replace those words with the word “allow”. You’re wanting to allow your Well-being, not achieve it. It’s not something that you need to earn. All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to achieve it. It isn’t something you have to struggle for or try for. You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this Well-being.

Here are our Inquiries for Segment One.

Make it easy, go as deeply or as light as you wish. The basic idea of all of this is just to keep feeling good!

Inquiries for Session one:



  1. What qualities do you value in yourself?




  1. Can you believe your worth is innate from your own connection to life or source?




  1. What makes you feel valued?



  1. Where are you giving the past or others the power to define your value?


  1. Where do you compare yourself that erodes your sense of self love?


  1. What do you value most in life that you would like more of?




Please listen to Podcast Dancing With Time! Episode One and Two

Podcast Link:

All the episodes will be on Spotify soon!